
User Guide

Individual Project DUKE


DUKE is an interactive chat bot that not only has the function of user interaction, but also the function of helping users keep a list of different types of tasks (namely todos, events, deadlines).

Feature 1: Greetings

Upon initiating this program, the chat bot prints its unique introductory greeting to welcome the user.

Usage 1: Upon running the program

Prints a greeting message whenever the Duke program starts.

Usage example:

Expected outcome:

  ***Welcome to Project DUKE***
  CS2103T Individual Project
  Hello! I'm Duke
  What can I do for you?

Feature 2: Task Creation

The task creation commands is followed by a space character and then the description to the task. This adds a task to the list of tasks.

Usage 1: Creates a todo task

The todo task only requires todo command and description. A not yet done todo task is created.

Usage example: todo return book

Expected outcome:

 Got it. I've added this task:
   [T][✘] return book
 Now you have 1 task(s) in the list.

Usage 2: Creates a event task

The event task only requires event command, /at command, description and a date formatted to YYYY-MM-DD. A not yet done event task is created.

Usage example: event return storybook /at 2020-06-16

Expected outcome:

 Got it. I've added this task:
   [E][✘] return storybook (at: Jun 6 2020)
 Now you have 2 task(s) in the list.

Usage 3: Creates a deadline task

The deadline task only requires deadline command, /by command, description and a date formatted to YYYY-MM-DD. A not yet done deadline task is created.

Usage example: deadline finish CS2103T project /by 2020-07-07

Expected outcome:

 Got it. I've added this task:
   [D][✘] finish CS2103T project (by: Jul 7 2020)
 Now you have 3 task(s) in the list.

Feature 3: List Manipulation

The list manipulation command changes the list of tasks displayed to the user.

Usage 1: Displays all current tasks

This function only requires list command. Displays all tasks read currently.

Usage example: list

Expected outcome:

 Here are the task(s) in your list:
 1.[T][✘] return book
 2.[E][✓] return storybook (at: Jun 16 2020)

Usage 2: Find all current tasks with matching word

This function requires find command and a keyword. It is also caps sensitive.

Usage example: find Assignment

Expected outcome:

 Here are the matching task(s) in your list:
 1.[E][✘] CS2100 Assignment 1 (at: Sep 16 2020)

Usage 3: Reminders to upcoming tasks to complete

Displays a list of incomplete tasks that are required to be completed in 3 days including the day today. Incomplete Todo tasks are all displayed.

Usage example:

Expected outcome:

IF There are tasks to be completed:

 Here are the tasks to be completed within 3 days:
 1.[E][✘] CS2100 Assignment 1 (at: Sep 16 2020)
 2.[D][✘] CS2103T Week 6 ip (by: Sep 17 2020)

ELSE There are no tasks to be completed:

 There are no urgent tasks to be completed.
 You can take a break! :)

Feature 4: Task Manipulation

The task manipulation command changes the tasks’ states within the list of data.

Usage 1: Marks the specific task as done

This function only requires done command and task index. Finds the task with the index number specified by user and marks the task as done.

Usage example: done 2

Expected outcome:

 Nice! I've marked this task as done:
   [E][✓] return storybook (at: Jun 6 2020)

Usage 2: Deletes the specific task

This function only requires delete command and task index.

Usage example: delete 3

Expected outcome:

 Noted. I've removed this task:
   [D][✘] finish CS2103T project (by: Jul 7 2020)
 Now you have 2 task(s) in the list.

Feature 5: System Automation

There are inbuilt functions which allows users to load, save and exit their program with more convenience.

Usage 1: Closing of Program

This function only requires bye command. Duke prints a goodbye message and then closes the Duke program for the user in 2 seconds.

Usage example: bye

Expected outcome:

 See you again!

The Duke program then proceeds to close in 2 seconds.

Usage 2: Loading of data

Loads the data from a data file in duke.txt format upon starting the Duke program. If the file does not exists in the user directory, a new duke.txt file will be created.

Usage 3: Saving of data

Data will automatically be saved to the duke.txt data file every time user inputs a new command.